PE and Sport Premium For Primary Schools

Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium – 2017/2018

Vision for the Primary PE and Sport Premium

ALL pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport

Section 1A – Evaluation of Imapct/Learning to date

Name of school: Rosedale Abbey Community Primary School

In previous years, have you completed a self-review of PE, physical activity and school sport?                                                            Yes

Have you completed a PE, physical activity and sport action plan/ plan for the Primary PE and Sport Premium spend?              Yes

Is PE, physical activity and sport, reflective of your school development plan?                                                                                        Yes

Are your PE and sport premium spend and priorities included on your school website?                                                                       Yes


Use the space below to identify what your use of the Primary PE and Sport Premium has been to date, and priorities for the coming year:

Key priorities to date

Key achievements/What worked well:

Key Learning/What will change next year:

  • To further increase the confidence and skill level of school staff when teaching PE.
  • To promote competitive opportunities for all children.
  • To broaden the experiences and activities available to all children particularly the least active.
  • Specialist PE teacher employed to deliver high quality PE sessions.
  • Staff now able to confidently teach PE sessions with specialist teacher and teach ‘follow on’ lessons.
  • Increased participation in local sporting competitions as part of Federation Team.
  • Children enjoyed yoga taster sessions and have requested more.
  • Children more involved in the planning of their activities .especially at playtime
  • More equipment to play with promoting activity
  • Children more engaged and active  at playtimes
  • Specialist teaching to continue for alternate half terms. School staff to team teach high quality sessions alongside specialist teacher and then deliver follow up session.
  • All children Y1-6 given opportunity to represent the school in numerous sporting events.
  • Majority children and parents happy with provisions
  • Next steps encourage outside agencies to offer more taster and a variety of different sessions to encourage new experiences for children.
  • Yoga, Laser shooting and hockey tbc
  • More involvement from staff to provide consistency.
  • Budget to be used to deliver specialist ‘Sports Leader Training’



Academic Year:
2017/ 2018


Total fund allocated:


PE and Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator

School Focus/ planned Impact on pupils

Targeted pupils

Actions to Achieve

Planned Funding

Actual Funding


Actual Impact (following Review) on pupils


Next Steps

1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles

  • All pupils to become more active and engaged through sporting activities in and out of school.
  • Ensure that appropriate and sufficient supports equipment is available for children to actively engage in a range of activity
  • All children to have access to swimming lessons above the minimum requirement in partnership with another small primary school










  • Minimum entitlement of 2hrs of high quality PE sessions (half of which delivered by specialist coaches
  • New Sports shed to safely store a wide range of equipment for PE and break times.
  • Provide transport for all children to attend local swimming pool for 12 weeks peracademic year








PE Assessment / Tracking of Pupil Progress


2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

  • Sports training programme implemented by Class 2 and delivered to whole school.


  • Headteacher to organise children to deliver achievable programme.
  • Provide equipment.


  • Training programme and rotas developed by Class 2

3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

  • CPD delivered by specialist PE teacher to upskill staff and increase confidence.


  • Staff to deliver subsequent PE sessions to consolidate skills learned.


  • Staff surveys and verbal questionnaires completed.

4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

  • Employ specialist basketball coach available to R-Y5
  • Employ specialist football/cricket coach to strengthen links in the community and improve fitness levels of all children
  • Yoga sessions to improve mindfulness and flexibility






  • Develop rota system to enable all classes to benefit from this activity.





No cost





5. increased participation in competitive sport


  • School involved in local sporting cluster competitions as part of federation team


  • Provide transport and supply cover to enable maximum possible participation.






5. increased participation in competitive sport


  • Whole school to participate in Federation Sports Day + 1 practise day









Swimming Report 2017/18

Swimming is an important skill and can encourage a healthy and active lifestyle. All Local Authority schools must provide swimming instruction either in key stage 1 or key stage 2.

The programme of study for PE sets out the expectation that pupils should be taught to:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

At Rosedale Abbey Community Primary School we typically start swimming lessons in Reception and the children swim each academic year for 1 hour and a duration of 12 weeks

We currently have no Year 6 pupils.

Results for pupils in KS2 the end of 2017/18: –

  • 63% could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • 63% could use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
  • 63% perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations