Aims and Values

We provide a learning environment within which pupils and staff can work together towards agreed aims. That environment is based on the following principles:

Our Federation values the contributions of all stakeholders. Our school communities include our children, teachers, non-teaching staff, parents / carers, governors and members of the wider communities we serve.

Staff work to create an atmosphere in which each child is encouraged to make a positive contribution to the life of the school and the wider community.

The school is open and responsive to educational change and the professional development of the teaching staff is given a high priority.

All staff work together to achieve the school’s aims in an atmosphere of respect and co-operation.

The staff recognise the value of first-hand experience and practical tasks in the learning process. We appreciate the need for children to have regular opportunities for systemic reflection upon their experience and activities.

Staff have high expectations of children, in both achievements and behaviour.

Staff recognise that learning opportunities must be matched to children’s abilities and interests as well as being stimulating and interesting.

Children are expected to develop self-discipline and are encouraged to become self-confident. Honesty and consideration for others are attitudes which are valued highly. Children are encouraged to set their own high standards and to take pride in their achievements.

We offer equal opportunities across the whole curriculum to all our children who receive a broad and balanced curriculum.


We aim to:


  • provide a broad and balanced education for all our children within a happy stimulating learning environment
  • foster children’s self-esteem and promote good relationships
  • encourage children to become responsible, independent, confident young people who are able to appreciate the world around them.

In our Federation we will:

  • provide a safe environment for all our pupils, staff and visitors
  • provide a broad and balanced curriculum which matches the needs of our children
  • promote independent attitudes towards learning
  • maintain effective partnerships between teachers, governors, parents and the community


We aim to ensure that our pupils will:


  • feel safe and happy at school
  • feel special and enjoy their primary education
  • be encouraged to develop to their full potential
  • be inspired to become self-motivated and self-disciplined as they mature
  • have a commitment towards lifelong learning
  • become caring, tolerant, creative, confident and co-operative members of the local and wider community


The Aims of our Federation schools are:


To provide a safe, happy and secure environment where children feel at ease and positively valued for themselves as individuals.

To develop the whole child – academically, physically, socially, aesthetically and morally – to prepare them for future challenges in our ever changing world.

To encourage children to value themselves and others, developing awareness, self-esteem and self-discipline.

To provide a stimulating and challenging approach to learning, which encompasses all areas of the curriculum, where teaching styles and learning opportunities cater for individual needs.

To achieve high standards in all areas by helping children to work towards their full potential, providing equal opportunities for all, regardless of age, ability, gender or ethnicity.

To maintain a broad and balanced curriculum whilst meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum, developing skills, knowledge and understanding.

To foster parental participation in their children’s learning through an “open door” policy shared by all.

Our Federation community will educate, support, value and care for individuals.


We will:

Strive to enable all our children to achieve their full potential and we will celebrate their success.

We will recognise the value of each child as an individual, and the importance of nurturing every aspect of their personalities – intellectual, creative, emotional, physical and spiritual.

Consider that all children to be of equal worth, and therefore tolerance, respect and a readiness to support and care for each other in school and in the world at large are essential.

Give all our children the opportunity to develop their own reasoned set of attitudes, beliefs and values to prepare them for their future roles in society.